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    The Fashionable Scarves for this Winter 2020-2021

    Winter is coming and we must already think that, in our daily attire, scarves will be present (plus the mask) because we must protect ourselves, but without neglecting our sense of fashion.

    The days are coming of combining jeans with hats, coats and scarves in all their sizes, fabrics, prints and textures (like crochet and knitting). Yes, sure that sounds like a lot, but they are fair and necessary elements of clothing.

    Affordable is Also Fashion

    If you like big brands like Dior or Gucci, you can choose your favorite scarves, but you could also think of Mango or something from Uniqlo as well you can wear Cashmere Scarf. There are several options, some more affordable than others, but the important thing is to buy a versatile accessory that at the same time can cover you from the cold.

    The idea is that you can create an outfit, if possible, purchase sets (gloves, hats, scarves) for a more organic combination with your sweaters and jackets.

    What Scarves are in Fashion for this Winter?

    Every year the trends vary, that is common knowledge. So, it is always a possibility that one year we are guided by colors and another by textures; however, our wardrobe will be used to the entrances and exits, because that is fashion.

    One of the ideal options for the cold are warm scarves made of wool. It is worth noting that the maxi is in fashion, especially if it matches cold colors such as gray, in variation with black and red. Now, what options do we have at our disposal?

    Miss Lulu

    Miss Lulu cozy scarves have multifunctional designs, they are comfortable and elegant and can go with the outfit of your choice. Long blankets are the trend and you cannot miss it. This is a warm shawl that would be good for the autumn-winter days, to protect ourselves from the cold but looking fashionable. In addition, there are a variety of colors so you can adjust the blanket to your look.


    The multifunctional winter coat is ideal to wear during the day. Although it has a medium urban style, it can be adapted to a cardigan or a jacket with jeans and boots or sneakers. This kind of scarf will protect us from the cold and allows us to modify its design according to our preference.

    Youson Girl

    This is a long blanket that allows us to carry it in different ways, be it day or night, it has that capacity for adaptability. It is warm and soft, but resistant to the cold of winter. Plus, it’s made of cotton.


    HeekPeek maxi cozy scarves and the Pashmina Scarf are an ideal option if you like to play with your outfits a lot. Covers neck and shoulders and can be easily worn on cloudy day or at night; keeps you comfortable and warm.


    For an outing where you want to be dressed simply but still look good and warm your neck from the cold, then you can opt for a scarf from SuperDry. They are oriented more towards the urban, but it can be useful if we combine it with a hat.


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