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    Trouble Finding Time for Fitness? Try Online Cycling

    Is your busy schedule keeping you away from getting fit? Did you make your new year’s resolution to lose weight, but your job demands most of your daily time? Worry no more, Vingo is here. Vingo is the latest app for online cycling that has been designed to fit into your tight schedule and also get you fit in a jiffy.

    From now on you can go for long cycling trips in the mornings, without having to worry about being late for work. Vingo works with your indoor exercise bikes and treadmills to give you a virtual outdoor experience, all the while you train your muscles.

    Exercise in Important for Fitness

    We don’t have to stress you enough about how important exercise is, to stay fit. It is not a single day job or something you can complete within a time frame. It is a life-long process. You need to put effort into it on a daily basis. This requires you to allot a specific time in your day and focus on working-out.

    Too many people are worrying these days, saying they should have started their fitness training early on. The reason for this is that they neglected their health in favour of their jobs, family and so on. But, if you need to sustain them in the long run, you need to stay healthy, right? 

    Fortunately, Vingo can help you from now on.

    Occupied with Work – Try Online Cycling

    Vingo takes your Indoor Cycling time and transforms it into an adventure. Yes, an adventure. The app is filled with a number of exciting terrains, places & cities, all designed based on the real locations from across the world. You just need to select from these locations and jump on your bike. It works like this.

    Once you install the app on your phone or smart TV, you can place the screen in front of your bike. Or, you could move your bike to the front of your TV. You can then connect the app with the bike. The app is enabled with ANT+ sensors that allows for easy connection with two or more devices such as, your TV, the bike and your earphones.

    The ANT+ sensors are for more than that too. These sensors will automatically detect your speed and pace on your bike and adjust the scenery on the screen. Now, imagine this with a VR headset and think of how immersive an experience it will be.

    With scenic locations from across the world, you will be cycling through all of them, at the comfort of your homes, any time you want. Furthermore, this will be your getaway from all your stressful work.

    Install the Vingo App for Better Experience & Fitness

    Vingo is more than an indoor cycling app; it is your new buddy for your healthy lifestyle. If you are still undecided, know that you can create a free account on Vingo today. By the end of the year, the cost could go above $10. So, take the urgent care and open an account on Vingo now.


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