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    US Senate gives blow to China, passed bill to save Hong Kong sovereignty

    The US Senate unanimously passed a bill to protect Hong Kong’s sovereignty. The bill targets Hong Kong’s Chinese Communist Party officials as well as the police force responsible for enforcing strict “national security law” that tortured Hong Kong protesters.

    It will also ban banks that were found to be trading with entities that violate the law. The move comes amid increasing tension in Hong Kong for the past one year due to activities by China to torture protesters and to exert further control over the former British colony.

    Republican Senator Pat Tommy of Pennsylvania and Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland introduced the measure. In this, the Senate also approved a measure, saying that the enactment of the bill could lead to the Beijing government being accused of direct violation of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. It is the treaty under which British rule in Hong Kong was granted partial sovereignty in 1997, ending British rule. After the bill is passed here, it will now be introduced in the House.

    The former head of human rights demanded to appoint special envoy in Hong Kong
    At the same time, the former head of human rights affairs of the United Nations and eight other former special envoys asked the secretary-general of the organization to appoint a special envoy in Hong Kong on Thursday (June 25), asking Beijing to implement oppressive national security law on the city They are worried about the possibility of a “humanitarian tragedy” arising there.

    Regarding human rights, former UN High Commissioner (2014-2018) Jed Raad al-Hussein along with eight other former messengers in one of Asia’s most liberated cities, deteriorating conditions, threats posed under new law, humanitarian In view of the crisis, this unusual process is sought. The law is expected to be implemented next week.


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