On Thursday, 2 corona virus cases have been reported in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Earlier, a total of 1730 people are undergoing treatment for corona virus infection in Uttar Pradesh. Principal Secretary Medical and Health Amit Mohan Prasad told reporters here that 1730 people are being treated for Corona virus infection in the state. So far, after treatment, 1973 people have gone home to get infection free.
Prasad said that 5833 samples were tested yesterday, which is the highest number till date. He told that till now we have examined more than one and a half lakh samples in the state. Prasad said that so far, one lakh 53 thousand 139 samples have been tested by government and private laboratories in the state. He said 370 pools were examined yesterday, of which 27 confirmed infections. In pool testing, samples of many people are collected and if an infection is confirmed in a pool, then the samples of all the people involved are examined separately and the infected person is detected.
Principal Secretary informed that a team of 73, 131 people of Health Department has surveyed more than three crore one lakh 14 thousand people in more than 60 lakh 66 thousand houses. He informed that under the L-1, L-2 and L-3 three-tier system, 55 thousand beds have been prepared, out of which 1823 beds have been infected with Carona virus while 9834 people have been kept in separate habitat centers. .
“Community surveillance / surveillance is being vigorously implemented. The infection has been confirmed by many in migrant workers and workers coming from other states. If workers are symptomatic, then they are being kept in a 21-day home in isolation. They are requested to stay indoors during this period. The Village Monitoring and Mohalla Monitoring Committees should ensure that those who are being kept in separate houses abide by it completely. “
Prasad said, “Kovid-19 is an infectious disease. If someone happens, then one should not feel bad about him. This infection can happen to any person of any age, caste and religion. If anyone has symptoms, he himself should come forward and go to the government hospital and get tested. If infection is found in the investigation, then there is free system of examination and treatment from the government. “
He appealed to the public that if someone nearby is seeing signs of corona virus infection, then motivate him to go to the hospital and get examined. Prasad said that cover the face and mouth with masks, skins, dupattas, handkerchiefs etc. He said that wash hands repeatedly with soap and water and keep a distance of two yards from each other. Stay away from the elderly, pregnant women and people who are already ill so that they do not get infection. Keep taking measures to increase immunity.
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