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    Why frequent earthquakes are coming in Delhi-NCR, research has come as a surprise

    New Delhi: Dryness of the earth is also a major reason for frequent earthquakes in Delhi-NCR during the last 2 months. The continuous fall in the groundwater level is causing a load of fault lines within the earth to become unbalanced. However, the study is still in progress. Research on other aspects of this is also underway.

    Fault line adjustment also causes frequent earthquakes

    Significantly, the existence of the earth rests on seven tectonic plates. When these plates collide or there is some movement in the womb of the earth, we feel an earthquake. The plate on which India rests is called the Indo Australian Plate. Many times earthquake causes this plate to collide with the Eurasian plate, and many times earthquake also comes due to adjustment of the fault line.

    The fault line has been the reason for earthquakes

    The fault line has usually been the main cause of Delhi-NCR earthquakes. According to the information, there are mainly five lines under the Delhi-Moradabad, Delhi-Mathura, Mahendragarh-Dehradun, Delhi-Sargodha Ridge and Delhi-Haridwar Ridge under Delhi-NCR. The epicenter of earthquakes during lockdown remained around these fault-lines.

    A load of fault lines unbalanced due to falling groundwater level

    The National Geophysical Research Institute at Hyderabad is doing research in this direction on the direction of the Central Government. At the primary level, one of the reasons for these earthquakes is the declining groundwater level. According to geologists, groundwater is seen as a load within the earth. This is helpful in maintaining the balance of load fault lines. The fall of groundwater is making the load of fault lines unbalanced, so the depth of earthquakes that occurred in the last days has also remained within the Earth for a maximum of 18-20 kilometers, where groundwater is no longer available. On the other hand, NGRI geologists have also called all the estimates and estimates misleading that these small earthquakes are associated with the possibility of a big earthquake. He argues that there is no such record in the past.


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