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    242 COVID-19 cases, 173 discharged; Noida’s recovery rate at 72%

    The relief news in Gautam Buddha Nagar, which is included in the Red Zone districts of Uttar Pradesh, is that 72 percent of the patients found infected with Covid-19 here have recovered after treatment. According to District Monitoring Officer Sunil Dohra, 242 patients have been infected with Covid-19 in Gautam Budh Nagar, of which 173 patients have gone back to their homes after treatment. He said that the recovery rate of infected patients here is about 72 percent.

    He said that four people died in 242 patients. The official said that a total of 69 patients are undergoing treatment at various hospitals here. Most of the patients are also out of danger. None of the patients are on ventilators.

    He informed that the Health Department, District Administration and all the development authorities here are continuously working to prevent the spread of Covid-19. He informed that the work of sanitization is being done continuously in the city. Several teams are being surveyed from house to house and efforts are being made to know the travel and medical history of every person.

    Four people, including three women, were discharged from the Gims Hospital in Greater Noida on Friday evening after recovering from a Covid-19 infection. Director of the hospital, Dr. Rakesh Gupta said that 70 percent of the patients from Jims Hospital have gone home after getting healthy.


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