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    Administration sealed the border, Delhi-Ghaziabad travel restricted again


    In view of rising coronavirus patients in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, the district administration has taken a big decision. The Delhi-Ghaziabad border has been sealed once again. Only those who pass will be allowed to enter the district. After this order, there has been a stir among the people working from Ghaziabad to Delhi.

    The order issued by the DM states that only those who pass will be allowed to cross the border. It will be necessary to carry vehicles carrying goods, banking services and essential goods. The police stationed at the border will be able to make inquiries. The police will check the pass and when assured, someone will be given entry into Ghaziabad.

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    They will not need a pass

    However, DM said that doctors, paramedical staff, police, bank personnel would not need a pass. It will be enough to show your identity card to these people. Seeing his credentials, he will be allowed to cross the border. At the same time, ambulances can come and go without any interruption. The Deputy Secretary and above officers working in the Government of India will also be allowed to travel on the basis of Identity Card.

    Strict action on government employees too

    The DM has said in the order that there are many government employees in Ghaziabad who work in Delhi. There is a directive to attend the offices, setting the 33% limit for government employees, but this is not being followed. Passes will be issued from the office on the basis of a 33 percent limit for such employees, who will be issued on a weekly and daily basis.

    Ban on hotspots

    The DM said that those coming to Ghaziabad from the hotspot area of Delhi will not be given admission in any way, even if they have permission for entry. At the same time, people of the hotspot areas of Ghaziabad are also out of place.

    Read More: India’s Spots at No. 10 Among COVID Hit Nations: Nearly 7000 Cases in 24 Hrs


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