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    Afridi made vulgar remarks on Prime Minister Modi; Gautam Gambhir’s answer – Kashmir will not be available till the day of doom, has Bangladesh forgotten

    Some video clips of former Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi are going viral on social media. Some soldiers are also seen together. It is claimed that Shahid went to POK a few days ago. Met Pakistani soldiers there. He also gave a speech. It used abusive language against Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Afridi described Modi as a coward and mentally ill. Shahid was responded to by former cricketer and now BJP MP Gautam Gambhir.

    Gautam said – Pakistan will not get Kashmir Judgment Day (Judgment Day). Gambhir asked- Do you remember or forget Bangladesh?

    Sambit shared video

    A video of Shahid was also shared by BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra. Written in the caption – Pakistani cricketer Afridi is sharing his nefarious intentions of the country without any merit. Some Indians are asking for donations to the Afridi Foundation. They too should know its reality. Many other users have also shared Afridi’s video.


    Modi has religious disease

    Afridi tells Pakistani soldiers in the video, “I am happy to be among you. A very large disease (coronavirus) is widespread in the world. But, a bigger disease lies in Modi’s heart and mind. This disease is of religion. They are doing politics about religion. In Kashmir, our brothers and sisters and elders have been oppressed in Kashmir. They have to answer it. “

    ‘People of Pakistan stand behind army’

    Afridi said, “By the way, Modi tries to be bold. But, they are sneaky. He has deployed 7 lakh troops for small Kashmir. While the total army of Pakistan is 7 lakh only. But they do not know that 22–23 crore people (population of Pakistan) are standing behind the Pakistani army. In Kashmir too, I salute those who are supporting the Pakistani army. “

    Pakistan has been begging for Kashmir for 70 years: Gambhir

    Gambhir taunts Shahid for his age, saying, “16-year-old Afridi says that 200 million people are standing behind Pakistan’s 7 lakh army, so why be begging for Kashmir for 70 years.” Afridi, Imran Khan and Bajwa may spew venom against India and Modi, but Kashmir will not be found till Judgment Day. Do you remember Bangladesh? “

    Afridi gave a controversial statement about the reception

    A video was also shared by Pakistani journalist Nayla Inayat. In this, Afridi is making a disputed statement about the current Indian wing commander Abhinandan. Afridi said, “We killed their people in the air. Then drink tea and sent it with respect. We have given the message to the world that we are people like peace, we are people who understand love love. Yes, but when you talk to love love. “

    Harbhajan and Yuvraj trolled for Afridi’s support

    Recently, Harbhajan Singh and Yuvraj Singh appealed to the people to donate to Afridi’s organization. For this reason, Bhajji and Yuvi are being trolled today. To this, Bhajji said, “What Afridi did is very wrong. No need to tell anyone how true patriot I am. I can also pick up a gun for the country when needed. “


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