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    All India Bar association wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, said to amend the CPC and file a case on China

    The All India Bar Association has requested the Central Government to bring an ordinance as soon as possible to amend the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), so that China can be sued in court for the damage caused by the corona virus ‘Covid 19’. The association says that since the outbreak of the corona virus, India’s lawyers have lost forty billion rupees.

    The association has written a letter to the Prime Minister calling the section 86 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, as an outdated request to bring an ordinance for immediate amendment to the lives of millions of people by allegedly preparing and spreading it in the Corona Virus Laboratory. It should be easy to prosecute China for the charge of putting in it and demand compensation.

    A copy of the letter has also been sent to the Law and Justice Minister. The association has said that Section 86 of the CPC is old and needs immediate amendment. He has said that not only life has been disrupted due to Corona epidemic, but also financially huge losses, especially 20 million lawyers of the country have suffered at least forty billion rupees, but amended CPC Due to not being done, Indians cannot drag China to court for their loss.

    He further said, ‘Now is the time to amend the related law. He said that such information is being received that China has a hand in spreading the infection of Corona virus. Not only this, China has also misled the world about the nature of Covid-19 and its transition from human to human etc.


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