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    Best Large Tattoos to Get

    Large tattoos can be a bold way to express your personality and interests. They can be intricate and detailed, or simple and bold. Here are some of the best large tattoos to consider.

    1. Portraits

    Portraits are a popular choice for large tattoos. They can be of loved ones or celebrities, and can be incredibly detailed and lifelike. Portraits can be placed on the back, chest, or even on a sleeve.

    1. Nature Scenes

    Nature scenes are a popular choice for large tattoos. They can feature landscapes, oceans, or even the night sky. These tattoos can be designed to be incredibly intricate and detailed, and can be placed on the back, chest, or even the leg.

    1. Tribal Designs

    Tribal designs are a popular choice for large tattoos. They can be incredibly detailed and intricate, and can be designed to be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. These tattoos can be placed on the back, chest, or even on a sleeve.

    1. Geometric Designs

    Geometric designs are a popular choice for large tattoos. They can be incredibly intricate and detailed, and can feature a variety of shapes and patterns. These tattoos can be placed on the back, chest, or even on a sleeve.

    1. Sleeve Tattoos

    Sleeve tattoos are a popular choice for those who want a large tattoo that covers the entire arm. These tattoos can feature a variety of designs, including portraits, nature scenes, tribal designs, and geometric designs.

    1. Celeb Tattoos

    Celebrities often have large celeb tattoos that can serve as inspiration for your own tattoo. From David Beckham’s full sleeve tattoo to Angelina Jolie’s back tattoo, there are endless options when it comes to large celebrity tattoos.

    While small tattoo can be subtle and simple, large tattoos can be incredibly bold and expressive. When considering a large tattoo, it’s important to choose a design that is meaningful to you and that you will love for years to come.


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