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    Biggest 24-Hour spike of 2676 COVID-19 cases, India’s toll mounts to 42,505 with 1391 demise

    Coronavirus, a word that has created chaos in more than 200 countries. India is one of those countries that are affected by this pandemic. The statistics are going up every single day. To balance the economy, the Indian government has started some essential services from today with several terms and conditions.

    As per the source, there are a total of 42,505 confirmed cases in India, out of which around 29,225 cases are still active. 11,775 patients recovered from this pandemic and cured, but 1391 patients died due to COVID-19. The toll is worrying as the patients are increasing day by day, and no vaccine is discovered yet. Around 2676 new cases and 923 recovered cases confirmed yesterday in India.COVID-19

    Maharashtra is experiencing the worst of this virus. With the addition of 678 news cases in the last 24 hours, there are now a total of 12974 confirmed cases in Maharashtra. 10,311 cases are still active, and 548 fatalities are registered so far. Due to the spread of coronavirus in slums, the toll is rising. Around 94 new cases confirmed in Dharavi.

    COVID-19 is also causing havoc in the capital of India. Yesterday the number of cases crossed 4200, and now there are a total of 4549 confirmed cases. 3123 cases are still active, and around 64 deaths are confirmed so far. 427 fresh cases and 106 recovered cases are confirmed in the previous 24 hours. Around 58 cases are confirmed in Kapashera building. 94 Hotspots are declared so far in Delhi.

    After defeating Tamil nadu and Rajasthan and Delhi, the Gujrat is at second rank in the list of the maximum number of confirmed cases. Approximately 5428 cases are registered so far in Gujrat. 4096 cases are still active, and 290 deaths are registered so far.


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