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    CM Kejriwal’s health deteriorated, isolates himself, will be tested for corona

    The health of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has deteriorated. CM Kejriwal has complained of mild fever and sore throat since yesterday. Now their corona test will be done. The entire meeting was canceled from yesterday afternoon and CM Kejriwal did not meet anyone. They have isolated themselves.

    In this case, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh said that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has fever and he has a problem. Since yesterday, he is isolated at his residence. Tomorrow they will have a corona test. He is also diabetic.

    Significantly, only yesterday Kejriwal government of Delhi has distributed hospitals. The Cabinet of Kejriwal Government has decided that only Delhiites will be treated in Delhi hospitals, whether they are government or private. Only those out of Delhi will be treated in the central hospitals present in Delhi.

    CM Arvind Kejriwal announced it himself. Doctor Mahesh Verma Committee had suggested this to the Delhi government. Apart from this, if the Delhi government believes that they had taken their opinion from the people of Delhi, and Kejriwal government has approved the opinion of Delhi people, that only Delhi people will get treatment in Delhi government hospital.

    Explain that the total number of patients in Delhi is 27 thousand 654. In the last 24 hours, 1320 new cases have been reported. So far 761 people have died. There are currently 219 containment zones in Delhi. These figures are frightening. More than 1200 Corona cases are coming to the country’s capital after 1 June every day.

    At the same time, the total number of patients in the country is 2 lakh 56 thousand 611, in which 7 thousand 135 people have died, while 1 lakh 24 thousand 95 people have been cured. That is, there are 1 lakh 25 thousand 381 active cases.


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