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    Coronavirus infections in India number around 82,000, killing 2,649 people

    The Group of Ministers (GOM) on Covid-19 was informed on Friday that only 30 percent of the total cases of corona virus infection in the country came from 30 bodies. So far 2,649 people have died due to Corona virus infection in the country while a total of 81,970 people have been infected. According to the Union Health Ministry, in the last 24 hours, from 8 am on Thursday to 8 am today, 100 people have died due to infection and 3,967 new cases of Covid-19 have occurred in the country. After treatment in the last 24 hours, 1,685 people have been free from Corona virus infection and at the rate of 34.06 percent, so far 27,920 people have gone home from Corona virus infection. According to the statement, 51,401 people are currently being treated for Corona virus infection in the country. As the cases of Covid-19 are increasing in the country, the GoM discussed the prohibition of places and the management of Covid-19, steps taken by the Center and various states.

    According to the statement issued by the Union Health Ministry, the 15th meeting of the High-Level Group of Ministers chaired by the Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan presented a detailed review on the condition of corona virus infection in India and around the world. In the meeting, the GOM was informed that 42,48,389 cases of Covid-19 were reported worldwide, of which 2,94,046 people died and the death rate was 6.92 percent. He was told that so far 81,970 people have been infected with the Corona virus in India and a total of 2,649 people have died due to infection with a mortality rate of 3.23 percent. “The effect of the time taken to double the number of Covid-19 patients due to the lockdown was also reported,” the Health Ministry said. Whereas cases were doubling in 3.4 days before the lockdown, now the number of patients is doubling in 12.9 days. “The statement said that” 79 percent of the total cases of Covid-19 in India are just 30. The body is from the areas. “It said,” It has been discussed in the meeting that the Kovid-19 management strategy needs to focus more on the states where the number of infected people and deaths from infection is increased. Is more. ”

    The meeting was attended by Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Foreign Minister S. Jayashankar, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai, Minister of State for Shipping, Chemicals and Fertilizers Mansukh Lal Mandavia and Union Minister of State for Health Ashwani Kumar Choubey. The GoM was informed that as of Friday the state of the healthcare infrastructure is as follows – there are a total of 8,694 centers, 2,036 health centers and 5,739 care centers, including 919 hospitals dedicated to the treatment of Covid-19. These include 2,77,429 beds for patients with critical and very critical condition, 29,701 beds in ICU while there are 5,15,250 beds in separate wards. The Ministry of Health said that 18,855 ventilators are currently available in the country to deal with Corona virus infection.

    The GoM was informed that domestic manufacturers are manufacturing around three lakh personal protective equipment / apparel (PPE) and an equal number of N-95 masks daily, enough to meet the country’s needs in the near future. Domestic producers have also started manufacturing ventilators and orders have been placed for purchase. The Center has given 84.22 lakh N-95 masks and 47.98 lakh PPE kits to States, Union Territories and Central Institutions. ICMR Director General Balram Bhargava informed the GoM that 509 government and private laboratories are currently examining around 100,000 samples a day for corona virus infection.


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