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    Covid-19: Corona patient found after hours of effort, administration breathed a sigh of relief

    The Uttarkashi administration breathed a sigh of relief after finding the Corona-infected person who had returned from Mumbai in Budkot after hours of effort, and six other people who had come in contact with the patient, were also admitted to Uttarkashi late on Monday night.

    The 35-year-old man, who arrived in Rishikesh by bus from Mumbai on May 17, was sampled for examination at AIIMS, which confirmed the corona infection in his report on Monday. Meanwhile, this person reached his home in Uttarkashi from Rishikesh. This is the second case of corona infection in Uttarkashi district in the last 24 hours.

    District Chief Medical Officer, Dr. D.D. Joshi said that on Monday late evening, AIIMS Rishikesh was asked to find the patient immediately after receiving the confirmation of confirmation of corona in a new case. AIIMS also tried to contact this person but his mobile number stopped. There was a panic in the administration due to no detection of the patient for several hours.

    However, she was later traced back to Budkot on Monday night. Asked in this regard, the District Magistrate of Uttarkashi, Dr. Ashish Chauhan, said that the patient and six others along with him have been sent from Badkot to Uttarkashi by the Deputy Collector of Barkot. Now, at the administrative level, it is being investigated why the patient was released after taking the sample at AIIMS and if this patient came to Uttarkashi then why was not under the control of the administration.


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