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    COVID-19: More than 1.26 lakh cases confirmed and 3754 deaths so far

    Corona virus cases have crossed 1.25 lakhs in the country. According to the latest data from the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry, a total of 1,25,101 cases have been reported in the country so far. At the same time, 3720 people have died due to corona. At present there are 69,597 active cases in the country, while 51,784 people have recovered and discharged from hospitals. So far, 44,582 cases of corona virus have been reported in Maharashtra, while 1517 people have died. According to ICMR, a total of 28,34,798 samples of corona virus have been tested so far in the country. The number of samples tested in the country in the last 24 hours is 1,15,364.

    Within the last 24 hours, 21 more personnel of the Border Security Force (BSF) have reported corona infection. All these jawans are being treated at Covid 19 Hospital. So far 286 BSF personnel have been discharged from the hospital after treatment. At the same time, there are 120 active cases of Corona in BSF.

    According to the Delhi Health Department, 591 new cases have been reported in Delhi in the last 24 hours. However, no deaths have been reported during this period. The total number of cases in the national capital increased to 12,910, including 6412 active cases. At the same time, 231 people have died so far.

    PM Narendra Modi today spoke to Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa over the phone. The conversation was about the ongoing COVID19 epidemic in the region and its potential health and economic impacts.


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