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    COVID-19 News – 13430 cases and 448 deaths registered so far in India

    Today, Friday is the 3rd day of lockdown 2.0, but still, the meter of cases and deaths is increasing. Yesterday around 1059 new cases were confirmed in India. 286 cases in Maharashtra and around 62 cases in Delhi appeared yesterday. As per the source, there are about 13430 COVID-19 cases out of which 11,214 cases are still active. Approximately 1768 patients recovered and discharged from hospitals. 448 patients lost their lives due to this pandemic.

    Maharashtra is the most active state and has the maximum number of cases. Maharashtra has around 3202 confirmed cases, and 2708 are still active. Mumbai is the massive hotspot of COVID-19 in Maharashtra and has 2003 cases alone. 300 recoveries and 194 fatalities are registered so far.

    Delhi is also one of the most affected states or Union Territories and has 1640 confirmed cases. 1550 cases are still active, with 52 recoveries, 38 deaths are registered so far in Delhi. In the last few days, the rate of increase in cases is decreased in Delhi. The number of hotspots in Delhi is increased to 60. 17 new cases appeared on Tuesday, and 62 new cases appeared on Wednesday. CM Kejriwal said that – there is no point to worry, we are able to control the situations.

    State-wise data of COVID-19 is given below in tabular form –

    State No. of confirmed cases No. of deaths
    Tamilnadu 1267 15
    Madhya Pradesh 1164 55
    Uttar Pradesh 805 13
    Rajasthan 1131 11
    Jammu Kashmir 314 4
    Andhra Pradesh 534 14
    Haryana 215 3
    Telangana 700 18
    Kerela 394 2
    Gujrat 929 36


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