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    COVID-19 Pandemic: 23039 cases and 721 deaths recorded so far

    India is facing a crisis nowadays due to Novel coronavirus or COVID-19. The number of patients is still rising, and no vaccine is found sa far. According to the source, there are a total of 23,039 confirmed COVID-19 cases in India so far. With 17306 active cases, around 5012 recovered cases are registered so far in India. 721 fatalities are recorded so far. Around 32 states and union territories are affected by this pandemic in India.

    1667 new cases, 642 recovered cases, and around 40 deaths appeared in the previous 24 hours. These statistics are displaying a critical situation that may arise if it will not be stopped.

    The most severely affected state by COVID-19 in India is Maharashtra. With the addition of around 778 new patients, the toll mounts to 6000+, and now there are 6427 confirmed cases in Maharashtra. 5305 cases are still active and being treated in designated hospitals. 842 recovered cases and 242 fatalities are registered so far in Maharashtra.

    Our team urges you to stay at your home and save lives. This is a social responsibility and follow the guidelines issued by our government. This is only a way that can defeat this pandemic.


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