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    How to take care of the specially abled in lockdown?

    Do not be afraid of Corona, Be careful: The whole world is adopting social distance to deal with COVID-19. This time is more challenging for the specially-abled of society. Because most of them need a caretaker for daily activities, for this reason, UNICEF considers the specially-abled in the high-risk zone of infection. The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have issued specific guidelines to deal with this problem.

    Three times higher risk: According to the US agency CDC, cardiovascular patients with disabilities have three times higher risk of corona infection than normal adults with heart disease. However, not all Divyangs are threatened. Long-term illnesses and low immunity are at greater risk.

    Keep these things in mind: If you or a member of your household falls into these three categories, then you have to take precautions. These are three categories:

    • people who cannot get out without outside help.
    • Those who are unable to wash hands etc.
    • People who cannot tell the signs of infection

    The caretaker or the family member of the specially-abled person must keep these points in the mind:

    • Wash hands before and after touching a particular person.
    • Take full care of the hygiene of the particular person.
    • Keep tools such as cane free of infection.
    • Visually impaired people walk with the help of touch, so keep washing their hands.

    Keep the home environment normal: The World Blind Union says that at this time, people with disabilities are going through terrible mental depression. They may suffer badly if their environment is not normal. It is very important to take care of their food, exercise, and mental health. Try to keep the home environment normal.

    Help sought on toll-free number: The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities has issued toll-free number 080 4611 0007 for counseling of mental depression. Also, the department says that if any equipment of the specially-abled is broken, they can seek help from the local administration to get it made. They would be helped. Also, the 24-hour facility of sign language interpretation and video calling is available in all states.

    Emergency Preparation Necessary: ​​If a person with specialized support to your home suddenly becomes ill, then be fully prepared for emergency health support during these days of Lockdown. Some people may face some difficulties in the treatment during this Lockdown. Therefore, The WHO recommends that family members must write down the contact numbers of similar local organizations from which immediate assistance can be sought.


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