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    Delhi Pradesh BJP along with Police launched ‘Mission Essential’


    • Sanitary napkins will be distributed to 6 lakh women in slums

    New Delhi. Delhi BJP along with Delhi Police launched ‘Mission Essentials’ on Monday under the leadership of state president Manoj Tiwari. Several BJP leaders including Additional DCP Ajay Tomar of New Delhi, Chanakyapuri ACP Pragya Anand, Southern Corporation leader Sadan Kamaljeet Sehrawat, State Spokesperson Tina Sharma were present on the occasion.
    On this occasion, Tiwari said that 6 lakh sanitary napkins will be distributed to the women of the slums of ‘Mission Essentials’ Delhi. It is also a challenge for the teenage girls and women living in slums in times of crisis of Corona epidemic. New Delhi Additional DCP Ajay Tomar said that in times of crisis we have to meet and help each other with restraint. It is equally important to follow the rules of social distancing and lock down to defeat the corona virus. Pragya Anand, ACP of Chanakyapuri said that it is a matter of pride for Delhi Police to work together under ‘Mission Essentials’. Sanitary napkins are also very important items for women and adolescent girls.


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