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    Delhi To Seal Borders for a week, Only Essentials Allowed: Delhi CM Kejriwal


    June 01, 2020, Amid the worrying surge in the COVID-19 cases in National Capital, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday asked authorities to seal its borders for the coming week.

    Mr. Kejriwal explained that only essential services holding government-approved e-passes would be allowed to move.

    ‘’Delhi borders are to be sealed for the next week. Essential services are exempted. We will take a decision again in one week to open borders after seeking suggestions from citizens,” he said.

    Mr. Kejriwal further added, “The moment we open the borders, people from across the country will come to Delhi for treatment. Delhi hospitals should be reserved for the people of Delhi.’’

    Delhi has, so far, 20,000 coronavirus cases with 473 people succumbed to the deadly virus.

    On Sunday evening, the national capital witnessed over 1000 cases in the preceding 24 hours. This was the fourth day in a row where the city crossed 1000-mark in one day.

    Addressing a press conference today, Mr. Kejriwal revealed that Delhi has 9,500 beds for COVID-19 patients from 4,500 as the previous total as the city has scaled up its health infrastructure to contain the pandemic.

    “I can guarantee, as your Chief Minister, there will be a bed if you or someone in your family is infected,” Mr. Kejriwal said.

    AAP Chief added that barbershops and salons would be allowed to re-open while spas to remain closed until further notice.


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