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    Emerging Technologies in Banking Sector

    The banking sector is constantly evolving, and emerging technologies play a significant role. The banking sector has been one of the most heavily impacted industries by digital transformation. This is because banks are handling people’s money and need to have a high degree of trust from their customers. Banks have embraced new technologies to stay competitive and relevant in a digital world, such as mobile banking, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI). This article will look at some of the emerging technologies in the banking sector and how they impact the industry. Keep reading to learn more about implementing a digital transformation program for banking.

    Digital Technology in Financial Services


    Mobile banking is one of the most important aspects of digital transformation in the financial services industry. Today, more than half of bank transactions are done on a mobile device. Banks have developed apps that allow customers to check their account balances, make transfers, and even deposit checks using their phones in response to this demand.

    AI is becoming an increasingly important tool for banks. It can be used for digital services such as customer service, risk management, and fraud prevention. Cloud computing and robotic process automation are another technology that has seen widespread adoption by the banking industry. By moving their IT infrastructure to the cloud, banks can save money on hardware and software costs while accessing powerful new tools. Banks can improve customer service by predicting customer needs and providing personalized recommendations by using these technologies.

    Artificial Intelligence in Banking

    Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows the software to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. It can be used for fraud detection, credit scoring, and customer segmentation in the banking industry.

    One of the advantages of artificial intelligence is that it can identify patterns in data that humans might not be able to see. This makes it a valuable tool for fraud detection, as it can help identify suspicious behavior that may not be obvious to humans.

    Credit scoring is another area where machine learning can be helpful. AI can create a score indicating the likelihood of defaulting on a loan by analyzing a customer’s credit history and other factors such as income and expenditure. This can help banks make more informed decisions about lending money to customers.

    Robotics Process Automation in Banking

    Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a robot to reproduce the tasks they used to do manually automatically. RPA is often used to automate business processes, such as customer service, accounting, and HR.

    In the banking sector, robotics process automation can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

    • Processing account openings and changes
    • Handling customer inquiries
    • Processing credit card applications
    • Investigating fraud claims
    • Updating account information

    Mobile Banking in the Financial Services Industry


    Most millennials would prefer to use a mobile device rather than visit a physical bank branch. This trend is not surprising since mobile banking is convenient and efficient. Customers can check account balances, make transfers, and pay bills without going to the bank or waiting on the phone. Thanks to advances in mobile technology, customers can now even deposit checks using their phones.

    The growth of mobile banking is benefiting banks too. It allows them to reach more customers and build stronger relationships with them. In addition, it helps banks reduce costs by reducing the need for branches and employees.

    So what does the future hold for mobile banking? We will likely see even more innovation in this area in the years ahead. Banks will continue to develop new ways to make it easier for customers to manage their finances via their phones or other mobile devices.

    Emerging technologies are increasingly important in the banking industry because they can help banks become more efficient and provide better customer service. Mobile banking has the potential to revolutionize the banking sector by making it easier to transfer money and track transactions.


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