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    What Is PPC In Marketing

    Payments for marketing actions in digital media are also paid, but thanks to the accuracy of the results of some actions, these payments are made based on indicator models. Among these models are the CPC, CPL or CPM, among others. In this post we are going to show you what PPC is in marketing and what its advantages are. Join PPC Ad Management Austin company for more.

    What is PPC in Marketing?

    The PPC in marketing or pay per click is a form of digital advertising in which an advertiser pays an amount each time a user clicks on one of their ads that redirects him to the web page. The idea of ​​a pay-per-click campaign is to “buy traffic” to a specific website, often with the idea of ​​creating a certain action among users such as signing up or purchasing.

    Conversion is the most important metric in pay per click, since it is the one that is responsible for measuring the performance of our ad. 

    Benefits of using PPC in Marketing

    • You pay for the visits you receive: In other advertising systems, the advertiser pays an amount to display the ad, but does not guarantee that it will produce results. In contrast, with pay per click, there is a direct correlation between cost and visit.
    • Optimization Possibilities: With all this data, it is very easy to see if the ad is running and adjust the route in real time. In fact, the best strategy is to create multiple variations of each ad and compare them to see which one works best. This way we can make sure our ads perform better.
    • Targeting: Thanks to our wide range of targeting options, we don’t miss a single click, because only the users we care about will see our ads. This, in turn, will improve your ad results, as users from your target audience are more likely to click.
    • Performance Measurement: Platforms that include pay-per-click provide advertisers with comprehensive information about what’s happening with their ads, including impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and conversions.
    • Flexibility: In the pay per click model, your ads can be displayed on a variety of platforms and sites to choose from those that interest you the most. Some sites also allow you to choose the date and time your ad will appear, giving us great flexibility.
    • Positioning: You will be able to show your ads in some of the most visited sites by users, such as search engines, social networks or popular web portals.

    Other Models and Indicators of Payment in Marketing

    These models and indicators are all used in the field of digital marketing. They are exact and must be chosen properly when performing an action that requires them, since one is not as effective as another depending on the action.

    • CPC: Cost per Click. This is how they normally charge their advertisers. When a user clicks on one of the ads is when the payment is made.
    • CPL: Cost per Lead. This is what an advertiser pays each time a consumer takes the targeted action. Usually it is an acquisition. It is also known as CPA.
    • CPM: Cost per Thousand. This is the value that the advertiser is charged for their ad to be shown 1,000 times.
    • CTR: Click through rate. This is a metric that determines the interest or relevance of your ads to the users they are being shown to.
    • ROI: Return to Investment. This metric is used to measure the profitability of the efforts made in this area. ROI is used in offline marketing as well.


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