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    Former and new directors of LNJP Hospital seen violating social distance

    Those people who have the responsibility to prevent corona infection, those doctors did not follow the social distance. On Friday, such a picture appeared in which former director of LNJP Hospital, Dr. Jessie Pasi and new director Dr. Suresh Kumar Kovid Hospital are seen with 17 doctors and paramedical team in LNJP.

    It is clear from the picture that the social distancing has also been torn apart. Surprisingly, only 5 people are seen wearing masks in it. It is being told that this photo has been taken on the occasion of Dr. Suresh’s celebration of becoming director after being removed by the Center by Dr. Pasi. Whereas in view of Corona, the Delhi government has put a ban on any such party.

    According to the guidelines issued by the Union Health Ministry, doctors or paramedical staff who use Kovid ward, Kovid patients cannot go to canteen, hostel, without a mask. It is mandatory for them to wear masks at all times. Dr. Jesse Pasi, in this regard, tried to negotiate a number of allegations including Dr. Suresh not wearing a mask, not maintaining a social distancing, SMSing him but he did not reply. Dr. Suresh has assumed the new responsibility but seems to have forgotten the guidelines.


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