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    Getting Dental Veneers in Thailand – What You Should Know

    When done correctly, dental veneers can indeed be incredibly attractive and natural-looking. With dental veneers, damaged, shattered, rotated, discolored, or cracked teeth can be swiftly fixed. Your suitability for veneers depends on a variety of factors. A good veneer application may either be “made” or “broken” by a stable chew.

    For many people, Thailand is an excellent option for safe and high-quality cosmetic dentistry including porcelain veneers. However, first you’ll need to find a cosmetic dentist who will be the right fit for you. After shortlisting a few clinics, here are some questions you should ask your prospective dentist:

    • Can I view any examples of patients’ both before as well as after pictures?
    • Can I browse through a “smile catalogue”?
    • Can I first see a simulation of what my new smile will look like?

    Who Makes a Suitable Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

    Are you unsure whether or not the teeth would benefit from porcelain veneers? Numerous people find success with them, but not everyone is a suitable fit for veneers. Most people who want to improve the looks of their smile may be candidates for veneers.

    Your original teeth’s color, shape, as well as size, can all be altered by veneers. Even though your teeth may not look or appear perfect, when you have good oral hygiene and strong cheekbones, you can probably get veneers.

    Veneers aid in addressing the following dental issues:

    • chipping
    • whitening
    • old fillings and repairs
    • a discreet or small smile
    • spatial issues
    • crowdedness concerns
    • fluorosis or antibiotic-related stains

    A good aesthetic dentist can deal with tooth issues and treat them with restorative dentistry because acquiring veneers seem to be a bespoke process.

    How Are Dental Veneers Applied?

    After the dentist produces your mold, it normally takes between one and two weeks for the lab to produce the veneers and return them to you. You can make a consultation to get your veneers installed once they are ready. Your dentist checks the fit, form, and color of the veneers at this session to help ensure they’re ideal for you. The teeth are then expertly cleaned by your dentist. This is crucial because it prevents decay-causing microorganisms from becoming stuck underneath the veneer. After that, they utilize the grinding instrument to give every tooth that will receive a veneer a harder texture or form. The veneer will adhere or stick to the tooth more readily as a result. The veneer would then be bonded to the tooth using proper dental cement by your dentist. This cement will fast harden using ultraviolet light. Usually, the second session, where the veneers are put in, takes no more than two hours. However, it could change based on how many veneers are being placed and whether a local anaesthetic is employed.

    Am I a Suitable Candidate for Veneers?

    Set definite objectives and reasonable expectations. You ought to be prepared to identify the specific reasons why you dislike your grin and express them to the dentist in plain terms for the best outcomes.

    Possess enough sound enamel. When placing veneers, a tiny layer of teeth is frequently removed. Thus you require to have sufficient good enamel to withstand the treatment.

    Why Get Porcelain Veneers in Thailand?

    Thailand is widely regarded as an international wellness hub for a wide range of medical services, including cosmetic dentistry. Every year the country attracts thousands of visitors who want to take advantage of the cheaper treatment fees without compromising on safety or quality of the treatment. You will be able to find excellent English-speaking dentists in every major city including Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai.

    Bangkok in particular is a very attractive destination for cosmetic dentistry, with many international standard clinics and state-of-the art facilities, including digital dentistry. And while the idea of getting dental work done on a holiday in a foreign country may seem daunting, there is no need to worry. Many clinics will go out of their way to make sure your experience is as relaxed, calm, and comfortable as possible.

    If the idea of visiting a dentist makes you anxious, you can start by visiting Bangkok Dental Spa, a unique dental clinic concept located in central Bangkok. The clinic has several decades of experience providing high-quality cosmetic dentistry for international patients in a calming environment of a luxury spa. To learn more about porcelain veneers at Bangkok Dental Spa, click here.

    How Should I Prepare Before Flying to Thailand?

    Before choosing to have dental veneers in Thailand, please consider the following:

    • The overall length of your treatment – the process of getting dental veneers require 2-4 visits with at least a few days in-between appointments. You will need to plan your holiday accordingly to give yourself enough time to complete the treatment.
    • Accommodation – for the best experience, try to book a hotel as close to your chosen dental clinic as possible. It may not seem very important, but you don’t want to spend hours stuck in traffic travelling to and from your appointments when there are more exciting things you could be doing on your holiday.
    • The price – choosing the cheapest possible clinic may seem attractive but usually this is not the best option. Price often reflects the quality of the treatment, and when it comes to your teeth, it’s usually better to pay a bit more to ensure high-quality treatment and the best result.

    Maintaining Your Porcelain Veneers

    After the operation, your jaw and gums will probably be painful and irritable for a number of days. The binding cement also may cause some tooth soreness. It is perfectly natural to feel uncomfortable during the healing process of the mouth; however, this can be easily relieved with paracetamol. Maintain the veneers the same way you would your natural teeth by brushing and flossing them three times daily. Resist chomping on items that can cause the teeth to crack, especially ice cubes. The veneers will last longer when take took proper care of them, just like you would with natural teeth.

    The lifespan of porcelain veneers is up to two decades. Owing to the normal use and strain on the teeth thereafter, your veneers may eventually need replacing. Replacing porcelain veneers is a fairly straightforward process, involving the removal of the existing veneers and replacing them by using the same method as before.


    The best way to make a smile better is with dental veneers, and getting them done in Thailand can be an excellent low-cost option. To extend short teeth, fix cracked or multiple fractures, or enhance the color of teeth, a light coating of porcelain is applied over the sides and border of the teeth for about two weeks. A smile could be dramatically transformed in just two to three visits, and with expert care, veneers may last an extremely long time.


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