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    Government of Delhi will open these services during relaxes lockdown

    The Indian Government is commenting strict rules across the nation for preventing the Novel Corona Virus. As the Indian Government locked the whole country by announcing lockdown.

    But the Delhi government has relaxed the ongoing lockdown post-May, 15 to open some of the essential services in the National capital only. Where 2,918 coronavirus cases and 54 fatalities have confirmed.

    Dispensaries, plumbing services, pathological laboratories and book stores have been allowed to open during relaxes lockdown by Delhi’s Government.

    In a late-night decision, Chief Secretary Vijay Dev issued an order to improve the lives of ordinary people.

    Some of the services which are going to open during relax lockdown:

    • Permissions have been given to open shops selling electric fans.
    • Clinics, dispensaries, pathological laboratories, sale and supply of medicine and medical equipment have been allowed to open.
    • Self-employed such as plumbers, electricians and many more, are now able to continue their work.
    • Books selling shops for education have been allowed to open.
    • Shelter homes for children, senior citizens, mentally challenged, disabled, destitute, women and widows have been allowed to continue their work normally.

    These are the services have been allowed to open.


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