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    Gurgaon: Due to incorrect reports, there has been less trend towards private labs

    People have lost interest in the city’s private labs after being given incorrect reports of the corona virus. Previously, where more than 200 samples were taken in a day instead of both government and private, now the labs of the government hospital have 150 to 200 samples per day for the last few days. While a record reduction in the number of people arriving to give samples in private labs has been recorded. A total of 19 people underwent tests in 5 private labs of the district on Tuesday, while 199 samples were sent for examination from the government lab.

    Similarly, on Wednesday, 36 people arrived in private labs to give samples, while 204 suspected samples were sent in government labs. On Thursday, 39 samples in private labs and 187 in government labs were sent for confirmation. In charge of the sample collection team said that no one wants to compromise with the disease these days. While Rs 4500 has been fixed by the government for a sample in a private lab, there is a free check in the government lab. Apart from this, after the report from the private lab, the government lab is also examined. It has been seen many times that private labs also gave negative reports of positive people.


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