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    “I’m not happy with China” says Donald Trump

    Over the cost of the last couple of weeks, it is visible to all that how China and the USA are constantly blaming each other for the pandemic widespread. As time is passing by, the situation in American seems to get worsen. Even being one of the large economies, they are having a hard time controlling the spread.

    If we scratch the data, we got. The total number of cases in the World as of now is over 2.3 million, with deaths over 160k. For the United States graph, the number is not good for sure. They have over 7,40,000 confirmed cases with approx. 40,000 deaths so far. US President Donald Trump earlier hinted that the situation would be like this. He expected at least 100k deaths.

    As the situation is intense, China does not want to hold the guilt for this pandemic spread, and the US is also not stepping back. There is a fight going better the Powers and blaming each other through media.

    What did Trump say?

    Donald Trump said that China did not respond well and informed them of what was happening in China before the outbreak. Further adding that I am not happy with China. Trump further attacked China and held them for not being transparent about the number of cases and deaths. He also adds that we are not the ones with the highest number of deaths as per the reports, one with the most number of days should be China and even they are the ones though they are hiding the fact.

    He points out that China is a massive country and gone through tremendous problems with the highest population, so they must be the ones with the highest number of cases.

    What is he doing in this matter?

    He also added in his speech that we are looking at it even a lot of people are looking at it, and it seems to make sense. He said that China claims to talk about a specific type of bat, and that bat was not found in the zone, not even in the market. Which was believed to be the origin of the virus? He seems to find a lot of strange things and continue to add with the investigation details.

    Continues to slam China and WHO negligence:

    He lastly said that in whatever form, the virus came. The origin was China, and due to China’s irresponsible behavior, 184 countries are made to suffer. It could have been solved quickly if it was controlled in the initial phase. Even WHO took a very pathetic and weak stance towards this problem, which furthermore heightens the problem. Even WHO being the first one to enter the problem didn’t openly say about the pandemic too. They somehow seem to be China-centric.


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