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    Covid-19: 83 new cases of Coronavirus in Jammu and Kashmir, total number of deaths increased to 15

    Srinagar: On Monday, 83 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Jammu and Kashmir, including 55 policemen and five doctors. After this, the total number of infected in the state has increased to 1,266. Officials said that there were two cases of death due to corona virus infection in the state on Monday and the total death toll has risen to 15.

    He said that five doctors and 55 policemen of District Police Lines Anantnag were involved in new cases of infection. Four of these doctors treated a woman infected with Covid-19. The 29-year-old woman from Habbakadal died on Sunday from other serious illnesses.

    “On Monday, 83 new cases of corona virus were confirmed in the union territory,” an official said. He said the total number of infections has now reached 1,266.

    On Sunday, three doctors from SMHS Hospital, one from SKIMS Medical College Hospital and one from Dental College were confirmed to have corona virus infection, officials said. So far, 16 health workers in the state have been found infected with the deadly virus.

    Eminent pulmonologist Dr Naveed Shah urged people to follow the guidelines of Covid-19, saying, “Infection can engulf anyone. Please use caution. The entire health department is in service of everyone. “


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