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    Manoj Tiwari discharged as Delhi BJP Chairman, order given to Kumar Gupta

    New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday appointed state presidents of several states. The party has appointed Adesh Kumar Gupta as the President of Delhi BJP in place of Manoj Tiwari. At the same time, the party has entrusted the responsibility of Chhattisgarh to Vishnudev Sai. Adesh Gupta is the former Mayor of North Delhi Municipal Corporation. Please tell that Manoj Tiwari was appointed as the Delhi BJP President in 2016. Sources say that he had offered to resign soon after Delhi’s defeat, but was asked to continue until an alternative was found.

    Aam Aadmi Party got 62 seats in 70 assembly seats of Delhi. At the same time, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was reduced to just 8 seats. On the other hand, the Congress (Congress) was once again clean and it could not win any seat.

    After being discharged from the post of party president, Manoj Tiwari tweeted, ‘I will always be grateful to all the activists, officials, and people of Delhi for the love and support received during this 3.6 years tenure as BJP state president. Sorry to have known an error inadvertently. Numerous congratulations to the new state president Bhai Adesh Gupta.

    On the other hand, Aadesh Kumar Gupta said while speaking to NDTV, ‘My priorities will be to strengthen the organization of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Delhi, instill enthusiasm and confidence in the workers, take the organization to a better level.’ On the question of Manoj Tiwari being removed and appointed, he said that this is a normal process which was pending for a long time. I will just say that I will fulfill the responsibility given by the party to me honestly and sincerely.

    Talking to NDTV, Adesh Kumar Gupta, who was the Mayor of North Delhi, said, ‘A lot of things need to be done in Delhi. We need to do more work at the ground level. There is a need to reach more people and create a universal organization so that we can increase our base in Delhi.


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