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    New space in space sector, now private firms will be able to use ISRO facilities

    • The government will focus on promoting space exploration
    • This will be made easier by bringing a policy for improvement.

    Mumbai: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the fourth day on the space sector. Accordingly, now the private sector will be able to participate in it. This means that they will now be able to use the facilities of ISRO. This will be made easier by bringing a policy to improve the space sector.

    Improvement in space sector

    Improvement in the space sector will increase the participation of private companies. This will enable private companies to take advantage of ISRO’s facilities. Space exploration will be promoted. The Liberal Jio Policy Policy will be brought. Also, there is an opportunity for startups in the country to work in another field. This will also allow startups to join.

    Radiation Technology Center to be built on PPP model

    Similarly, steps have been taken to improve the atomic energy sector. Under this, Radiation Technology Center will be formed on PPP model. Research reactors for this will be built on PPP model. Medical isotopes will be produced. Explain that isotopes are used in cancer treatment. PPP will develop radiation technology for food preservation.

    Plan to connect startup eco system to nuclear sector

    Facilities will be provided in PPP mode to use irradiation technology for food preservation to enhance agricultural reforms and help farmers. It is planned to connect India’s strong start-up ecosystem with the nuclear sector. Technology development and incubation centers will be set up to foster synergies between research facilities and tech entrepreneurs.

    Why was the decision taken

    Currently the private sector and startups go out for space. If a plan is made for these, then money will be invested in the country and employment will increase. Foreign companies can also be attracted for this. This is a sensitive area and the guidelines for this will be quite tough. But all information will be given to startups and private companies.


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