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    People created ruckus at the department’s office for not getting ration

    Nearly 200 people raised slogans against the officer by creating a ruckus at the office of the Food and Supplies Department located at NIT-5 number on Monday morning. He alleged that he was not being given ration during the lockdown. If they demand it, then they make an excuse to get the ration card stamped and the Aadhaar card not linked. They are getting upset by this.

    Seeing the anger of the people on the office, the officers went to lock the office. This further increased people’s opposition. The police reached to know about the ruckus. He assured to solve their problems. The protesters arrived from areas like Dabua Colony, Sanjay Colony, Jawahar Colony, SGM Nagar etc. Ravinder Sharma and Sandeep said that ever since the lockdown started, they have been traveling to the depot and departmental office to get ration.


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