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    PM decided to announce nationwide lockdown extension Sunday evening

    The entire nations are worried about COVID-19 dissipating cases, affecting most to adult species and children’s. This crisis is going on without any break to renovate the planet into the dark space. No medication still originate by any of the single countries to comprise the spreading cases of a massive pandemic.

    For non-stop crisis unravelling all over the world, Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi decided to declare openly the expansion of lockdown across India inclined to be on Sunday evening. Whether the 21 days lockdown also is announced for curb of Novel Corona Virus spreading cases but instead of performing well it allocated lightly by some individuals. And if this time any of the misbehave performed by anyone, will not be tolerated as per the administration ordered to soldiers to trap them cleverly not be contributing for nation’s duty.

    Today PM Narendra Modi will put up with the final call to all ministers for judgement on the extension of lockdown beyond Tuesday, April 14 via video conferencing.


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