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    PM Modi addressed the Nation in Mann ki Baat program

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi is talking ‘Mann ki Baat’ to the countrymen after the announcement of expansion in lockdown across the country. This is the third time during the Corona crisis that PM Modi is addressing the people of the country through this program. During this, PM Modi said that the fight against the corona virus is being fought with full force in India. PM Modi once again appealed to the people that they should not relax the rules of two yards.

    PM said – 

    • In this time of corona crisis, yoga is even more important today because this virus affects our respiratory system the most. In yoga, there are many types of pranayama that strengthen the respiratory system, which we have been seeing for a long time.
    • People everywhere have wanted to know more about Yoga and Ayurveda as well as Ayurveda. Many people, who have never done yoga, are either joining an online yoga class or are also learning yoga through online videos.
    • On the one hand we are fighting the epidemic, on the other hand we have recently faced natural disaster in some parts of eastern India. I went to Odisha and West Bengal to take stock of the situation. In this hour of crisis, the country is also standing with the people in every way.
    • In our country, crores of crores of poor have lived in a great concern for decades – what if they fall ill? To overcome this concern, ‘Ayushman Bharat’ scheme was started about one and a half years ago. Just a few days ago the number of beneficiaries of ‘Ayushman Bharat’ has crossed one crore


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