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    Special arrangements to rescue policemen from Corona at Madhuvihar police station

    Madhu Vihar police station in East Delhi has emerged as a model police station, where modernization and infection prevention have been put in place, which are going to be seen in all police stations in the coming times. The police station is stationed at Madhu Vihar police station with model sentry gun and thermal scanning machine and sanitizer. On entering the police station, there is a provision of washing hands with a liquid shop on the water tank. There is also a chemical liquid for shoes cleaning.

    Along with this, automatic sanitizer machine is installed near the duty room. Only after being sanitized does every person or policeman enter the police station. The Duty Officer Room is visited by outsiders, complainants and other people associated with the case throughout the day, keeping in mind the highest risk of infection, the entire Duty Officer reception is covered with a polypropylene sheet.


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