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    The remaining sub-orange zones, except the Containment Zone, will also run roadways buses from May 19 to the state and other states

    According to the guidelines issued by the Union Home Ministry regarding the lockdown, the Haryana government has also announced some concessions. In Haryana, except the Containment Zone, all other orange zones will be considered and all the normal activities will be carried out. This was announced by Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday through video conferencing.

    Roadways buses will run on routes of state and other states

    • While releasing the video message from Chandigarh, CM Manohar Lal said that now the bus services for the state and other states will be started from Tuesday.
    • With the coming of summer days, the work of releasing tubewell connections to farmers is going on. So far, one thousand tubewell connections with five star motors have been installed. By June 30, 4 thousand more will be installed. The rest of the connections will be made when the 5-star motor arrives.
    • CM said that some errors related to electricity bills have been revealed. The department has sent bills of some people to the average base. They can get it fixed by calling the helpline number 1912. If anyone has filled the bill then the amount will be adjusted in the next bill.
    • In addition, the parole period of 6 thousand prisoners outside parole in Haryana has been extended for 6 weeks. In such a situation, these prisoners will now return to prison only after 12 weeks of parole. Because they were given earlier due to the 6-week parole corona.


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