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    Tips to Fish During a Full Moon 

    All anglers, irrespective of experience, understand the lunar cycle effects. Most anglers believe the few days before and after the full are particularly not the best for fishing. They believe at this time the catch is relatively less and not worth it. However, the other anglers swear by fishing during the full moon.

    Whichever side you fall in, the baseline is that full moon impacts fishing. The moon affects the tides and the flow of marine life, thus the movement and location of the fish. The full moon comes with increased tidal waves leading to more water than usual.

    Here is how to go about fishing during a full moon and get a good catch.

    • Fish at the shores 

    If you are looking to catch bigger fish, you need to move further in the water body. The fish, in such instances, tend to move to these levels as they look for food. This, however changes with the increasing tidal volumes.

    The stronger waves push more food towards the shores of the water bodies. The fish thus have no business launching in the deep sea to look for the food. You only need to replicate this movement by launching the electric reel combos on the shores.

    The larger waves mean increased water depth to the shores. This allows the large fish to get nearer the shores than usual. Also, the full moon rises night vision. The fish can adopt nocturnal feeding, which allows for more catch on the shores.

    • Use the right gear 

    Once you have established the best place to fish over the full moon, the next step is to have the right gear. You can only gain from the correct location if you have the ideal right for the type and size of fish you are looking for. You also need to find the right gear to get along with the other equipment.

    Given the emphasis on the difficulty of fishing over the full moon, most companies tend to hike prices around this time. Your best bet at spending low is to shop for the gear off-season. However, If you want to avoid the early preparation, look for the various stores that allow you access to the appropriate gear you can use to fish during the full moon.

    • Pay attention to the bait 

    The full moon impacts the behavior of both prey and predators. While the fish will move towards the shores, some common insects will disappear due to extreme water tides. If you are looking for a big catch, come with the less common bait at this point.

    • Track the lunar phases 

    The various lunar phases varies each year and every change affects fish availability. Keep up with the Farmer’s Almanac which contains information on the lunar phases and the best fishing days.

    The data divides the fishing into major and minor phases. The major periods occur when the moon is overhead, mostly during the equinox. The minor period happens when the moon is at 90 degrees to either side.


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