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    COVID-19 Latest News – Toll mounts to 1,430,590 and 82,025 deaths

    COVID-19 cases are spreading very fastly in the whole world, can’t be eligible to prevent it from spreading now the only way to deter is Social distancing, Whole the nation’s Government is requesting to whole residents to stay at home safely. Till now, no antidote is found; the only key to prevent it is social distancing

    That’s all of you know that sanitizing is also an adequate way to drive away from this enormous disease, using sanitizer may save your life from Novel Corona Virus. In this critical condition, the whole world is helping each other by exporting and importing masks, antibiotics, vaccines, and many other significant aspects to assist in the war against COVID-19.

    Day by day mounting toll

    Total cases in the world are now 1,430,590, and around 82,025 deaths are registered son far. Recovered cases are 3,01,940, and more than 47,000 patients are still in dangerous conditions.

    The highly affected nation is the USA as per the worldometer, total cases are raised to 400,335 very fastly, total deaths as dismay are 12,841, total cases recovered are 21,674. Spain, the second most dramatic nation with total cases 141,942, a total of 14,045 deaths are registered so far. Total recovered cases are 43,208 performing well in improving the cases but not so in fatalities. Italy is on the third number of cases are 135,586, registered deaths are 17,127 with the highest rate of deaths; total recovered cases in Italy are 24,392.

    Staying at home is a decent way to prevent it extensively from spreading. Government of entire countries are executing there best to fully stop the disease, but not so working formula invented till now.


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