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    Uttar Pradesh: 3758 total cases till 13 May; 116 new cases of Coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh

    116 new positive cases of corona virus were reported in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. With this, the total number of corona virus cases in the state was 3758. Till Wednesday, 1965 corona virus patients were cured, who were also discharged from the hospital, while a total of 86 people have died so far. Currently, there are a total of 1707 active cases of corona infection in the state. This information has been given by the Health Department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh by releasing the Health Bulletin.

    Four more people died in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday in Kovid-19 infected. According to the Health Bulletin, on Wednesday, two more persons each of Kovid-19 were killed in Moradabad and Gautam Buddha Nagar and Sant Kabir Nagar. In this way, 86 people have died in the state so far Kovid-19 infected, out of which 24 were from Agra. Lucknow and Gautam Budh Nagar have the highest number of 15 cases out of 116 new cases of corona infection reported in the state.

    Earlier, Principal Secretary (Medical and Health) Amit Mohan Prasad told reporters here that 5,405 samples were tested in the state yesterday. A total of 268 pools were set up and 1,340 samples were tested, out of which 22 resulted in positive results. He informed that the work of surveillance is going on continuously and the teams are going from house to house surveying any hotspot, prohibited or other areas. During this period, two crore 96 lakh 90 thousand 794 people were surveyed by 71,916 teams.

    A medic arranges tubes after collecting swab samples for...- India TV

    The Principal Secretary said that after that it was reported on the basis of symptoms, on which either sampling was done or they were admitted to the hospitals if found positive. He said that a large number of migrant workers are continuously coming in the state. A very tough protocol has been made for the migrant workers who are returning in the state. Those who do not have symptoms are being sent home on 21 days of isolation after thermal screening.

    Prasad said that the symptoms are being tested. They are being admitted to the hospital after being infected and if the investigation is negative, there is a system of sending them home on 14 days of isolation, after seven days of stay and testing again.


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