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    Uttar Pradesh out of 117 samples of migrant workers 26 corona positive symptoms in 565 Uttar Pradesh

     As a result of the Covid-19 investigation of 117 people among migrant workers and workers coming from other states in Uttar Pradesh, 26 people have been found corona infected. Principal Secretary (Medical and Health) Amit Mohan Prasad told reporters here on Tuesday, “Asha workers surveyed four lakh 75 thousand 812 migrant workers and workers who came in the state. Of these, 565 people with some symptoms of corona infection like shortness of breath, cold, cough and fever. They were investigated and results of 117 people have been investigated, out of which 26 have been found positive.

    Prasad said that the percentage of infection among the above migrant laborers and workers is 22.2 while the total infection percentage of the state is 2.6 which means nine times more infections have been found in migrant workers and workers. He informed that the Arogya Setu app is being used continuously and 20,768 calls have been made from the control room of the Health Department. Of those called, 50 were found Kovid-19 positive and are currently being treated in various hospitals.

    He said that 23 people have been treated and 181 people have been kept in separate habitat centers. He said that 237 cases of infection were reported in the last 24 hours and so far a total of 118 people have lost their lives due to this infection. The total number of cases of corona infection is 4748 while 2783 people have been treated. As many as 10, 983 people have been housed in separate habitat centers while 1964 people are undergoing treatment in various hospitals or medical colleges.

    He said that 6870 samples were tested on Monday. A total of 693 pools were set up and out of these 48 pools were found infected. He said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday directed that a laboratory should be set up in every district of the state to check infectious disease. For this, the Department of Medical Education and Health Department will formulate an action plan. Wherever there are medical colleges, the Medical Education Department and where there are not, the Health Department will establish such laboratories so that communicable and infectious diseases can be investigated at the district level itself.


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