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    What Can Foundation Damage Do to Your Charleston Home?

    Most homeowners in Charleston make sure they carry out necessary repairs and maintenance to keep their properties in good shape. However, some problems are far more difficult to identify and harder to deal with than others. This includes foundation problems, which can arise for a range of reasons but can be difficult to identify.

    It is important to try and look for the signs of foundation damage at your home, as you can then find Charleston foundation repair specialists to come and get the problem sorted out for you before it spirals out of control. There are various ways in which foundation damage can affect your home, and when you start to see the signs of damage around your home, you know there is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly. In this article, we will look at some of the damage that foundation problems can do to your property.

    Some of the Effects

    There are a number of negative effects of foundation damage, and it can have a serious impact on the rest of your home. Some of the issues you may notice are:

    Your Walls Are Cracked

    One of the key things you may notice when it comes to foundation issues is that the walls around your home start to sustain deep cracks. These should not be confused with common hairline cracks that often appear in walls – these are cracks that are very deep and noticeable. In addition, you may notice movement in the walls, and this means that your walls may start to show signs of bowing or bulging. This is another sign that there is a problem with your property foundation that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

    Floors Start to Sink

    Another of the problems you may notice when you have foundation damage is that the concrete floors around your home start to sink. This can affect all concrete floors from your driveway to your patio area and more. The sinking may be slight at first but can quickly get worse. Once this happens, you end up with uneven floors that are tricky to walk on safely and look unsightly. So, if you notice signs of sinking concrete, it may be time to call in the foundation experts.

    Doors and Windows Stick

    Another of the effects and signs of foundation damage is if the doors and windows around your home start to stick. While we all experience the odd sticking window or door now and again, if this is happening with most of your doors and windows on a regular basis, it could be time to get your foundation checked. When you have foundation damage, it can affect the alignment of your property structure, and this can then cause windows and doors to stick.

    By getting in the foundation experts if you notice any of these issues, you can get foundation problems sorted out in the earlier stages before the problems become even worse. 


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