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    3 thousand crore liquor stock deposited with restaurants and hotels of the country, the government has sought permission for home delivery

    Along with the liquor manufacturers, now companies offering online facilities related to restaurants, bars and catering have also sought exemption from the government for home delivery of liquor. These companies say that this will not only ensure safe distance between people in this era of corona infection, but it will also help in reviving their work that has been destroyed in the ban.

    The All India Brewers Association (AIBA), an association of beer-making companies, has suggested giving special licenses to e-commerce companies like Flipkart, Amazon and Grofers and food delivery companies like Jomato and Swiggy. The organization said that these companies can take orders online and meet the demand through licensed retail and wholesale liquor vendors.

    सूत्रों की मानें तो शराब की ऑनलाइन बिक्री व होम डिलीवरी के लिए स्विगी जैसी कंपनियों के साथ प्राधिकरणों की बातचीत चल रही है। (प्रतीकात्मक फोटो)

    The organization also suggested to create a portal for online ordering under state excise departments for liquor. Anurag Katiyar, president of the National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) said, “We are facing a lot of crisis at the moment. On the one hand we have got a stock of expensive liquor, on the other hand we have a cash crisis. ‘

    “We appeal to all the state governments to allow us to sell liquor stocks,” Katiyar said. With the ‘home delivery’ model, we can sell this wine. “Many companies offering online food and drink are ready to make home delivery of liquor on approval from the government.” According to sources, the authority is in talks with companies like Swiggy for online sale and home delivery of liquor. is.

    Many countries allow online delivery

    Rahul Singh, founder and CEO of Beer Cafe, said that liquor in India is sold in three ways — retail, horeka (hotels, restaurants and catering) and canteen stores. The number of licensed locations across the country (hotels, restaurants and catering) is close to 30,000. Due to the lockdown, at least 3 thousand crore rupees stock has been placed at various outlets across the country. Our appeal to the state governments is that we be allowed to sell the stock temporarily. Many countries have done this, it is also possible in India.


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