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    After lockdown, demand for sanitizer increased by 64%, UP producing 2 lakh liters daily and sending it to 23 states

    Corona has severely affected every business in the world, but the sanitizer market continues to grow. Since the lockdown, around 500 small and large manufacturing units have landed in this sector. It has 152 companies producing soap, body, face and hand wash as well as sanitizer. According to the All India Distillers Association (AIDA), more than 150 distilleries are also producing sanitizers in the country. The demand for alcohol best sanitizer in the country has increased by 64%.

    Most companies are making sanitizer in UP

    Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of 85 sugar mills, 12 distilleries, 37 companies and 9 other institutions producing 2 lakh liters of sanitizer per day. According to the data of the Uttar Pradesh government, till May 7, 45 lakh 15 thousand liters sanitizer was produced in the state, out of which 19 lakh 31 thousand liters have been supplied to 23 states.

    Size of this sector a year 30 Crores increased

    According to Nilsen India, India’s sanitizer market has grown four times since the epidemic. The total business of the sector was Rs 10 crore in the month of March in 2019. Turnover was Rs 43 crore in March 2020. There is a possibility of 10-15% growth in this sector in the next five years if the corona virus is not vaccinated.

    UP daily in April 2 Production in lakh liters

    According to Uttar Pradesh sugarcane and sugar commissioner Sanjay Bhusreddy, about 50 production units used to produce 60,000 liters of sanitizer daily in March, but after increasing demand, more sugar mills, distilleries and other institutions were allowed. Due to which production increased to 2 lakh liters per day. Haryana had the highest sanitizer consumption since the lockdown. 4.11 lakh liter sanitizer has been supplied there.

    152 Sanitizer market share ratio due to arrival of new manufacturers 60-40 Reached to

    According to Bloomberg report, the market share of the top three companies in the sanitizer sector, Reckitt Benckiser India Limited, Hindustan Unilever Limited and Himalaya Drug Company Private Limited, fell from 85% in January and February to 39% in March. Since the lockdown, the market share ratio has reached 60-40 with the arrival of 152 new manufacturers in the country. Companies like ITC Limited, Dabur India Limited, Marico Limited, Emami Limited and Jyoti Laboratories Limited have also started production of sanitizer at a rapid pace. Even the wine maker Diageo India has jumped into this race.

    Global Sanitizer Market Size This Year 14 Estimated to be thousand crores

    According to an analysis by Fortune Business Insight, a US market research company, the annual growth rate of the global sanitizer market is projected to grow from 5.06% to 45.7% in 2020. Before the outbreak of Coronavirus, the sanitizer market in 2020 was estimated to be around 10 thousand crores, which is now expected to increase to about 14 thousand crores.


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