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    Big terror attack averted in Kashmir, plot like Pulwama, IED diffused in time

    The plot of terror attacks like Pulwama on Thursday in Jammu and Kashmir has been thwarted by the security forces. Here IED (Improvised Explosive Device) plant was installed in a Santro vehicle near Pulwama, which was identified in time. The bomb disposal squad defused this bomb in time.

    Pulwama Police, CRPF and Army, while taking action together, identified this vehicle and found out the existence of IED in it. Then the bomb disposal squad was called and eventually, this IED blast was deferred.

    It is being told that a terrorist was driving the vehicle, which fled only after the initial firing. The terrorist fled in the dark. This case is now being handed over to the NIA. The vehicle was caught at Shadipura near Rajpura Road in Pulwama.

    The white Santro car had a two-wheeler number plate, which was registered in Kathua. The Jammu and Kashmir Police tracked it down, after which the bomb was searched. The surrounding area was evacuated before calling the bomb disposal unit.

    Attack on Jammu Kasmir

    Earlier the terrorist attack in Pulwama last year was similar. In which a bomb was placed in a vehicle and it was rammed into a CRPF convoy, about 45 soldiers were killed in that terrorist attack in February 2019.

    Significantly, in the last few months, many kinds of efforts are being made by the terrorists to disturb the peace of Jammu and Kashmir. Many times the composition of a big terrorist attack was also created, but each time Indian soldiers failed these plans.

    Apart from this, wherever terrorists are hiding in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir, there is an encounter going on. This is the reason why the terrorists are seen moving their land.

    On the previous day, the Indian Army and the local police had jointly conducted an operation in Kulgam, in this encounter that lasted for many hours, the security forces killed two terrorists. In the same month, Indian security forces have piled Hizbul’s top commander Riyaz Naiku.


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