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    BJP leader Premchand Guddu’s rebellious statement, said – Scindia and Silavat have to be defeated in elections; Party issued notice


    • Former MP Premchand Guddu, who was in the Congress for nearly 30 years, joined the BJP just before the assembly elections in 2018.
    • Guddu continues to make rhetoric against Jyotiraditya Scindia and Tulsi Silavat who joined BJP

    Though the dates of the by-elections have not been announced in Madhya Pradesh, but politics has started. Former MP Premchand Guddu, who joined BJP from Congress before the legislative assembly elections, is making a statement against his own party. Guddu has started a revolt against senior Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia, who recently joined the Congress, and Tulsi Silavat, a minister in the Kamal Nath government. He said that this time we have to defeat Scindia and Silavat. Along with this, Guddu has announced to challenge Silavat from the Saver assembly seat, considered the most prestigious in Indore district. On the other hand, BJP also started preparing for action. Former MLA Rajesh Sonkar said that the BJP has issued a notice to Guddu about his anti-party rhetoric and sought a reply in 7 days.

    In a discussion with the media, Guddu attacked both the leaders. Said to defeat Tulsi Silvat in the evening by-election. He also targeted the Scindia family fiercely. Guddu alleged that Scindia, who has consistently written letters to governments on the issues of farmers, is not ready to talk to the farmers today, nor is Silavat taking care of the farmers. The farmers of Saver are forced to sell wheat at prices below the support price of Rs 1400 to 1500 per quintal, the vegetables that were planted, were spoiled in the field due to the closure of the mandis.

    ‘Scindia and Silavat cheating farmers’

    Guddu said – Scindia and Silavat, who make big claims in this time of crisis, are lying in their homes, cheating the farmers and voters of the evening. Guddu attacked the Scindia family directly. Said – It was his contribution to defeat Maharani Laxmibai in the freedom struggle. His grandmother toppled the Congress government. His father contested the election separately by betraying the Congress. The Scindia family has been continuously betraying the Congress to serve its interests.

    ‘I am trying to stop the feudal lords’

    Guddu said that Scindia and Silavat will never forgive the public in the evening. The public will teach them a lesson. The defeat of Tulsi Silavat means the defeat of Jyotiraditya. I have been a councilor, MP, MLA, everything. I have no claim. I am engaged in this work how to stop these feudal lords. Such speculations are being made about Gooddie’s rhetoric that he may join the Congress soon.


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