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    Central Government has banned 2200 foreign nationals from visiting India for 10 years

    The central government has banned 2200 foreign nationals from visiting India for 10 years due to their involvement in the Tablighi Jamaat activities. These people were coming to India on tourist visas and participating in religious programs. Now these citizens will not be able to come to India for the next 10 years. According to sources, these citizens had come to India on tourist visa and participated in the Tablighi Jamaat program. These citizens were banned for 10 years for violating visa regulations. Click here if you want to know Indian Visa Documents Requirements.

    According to sources, 2200 foreigners blacklisted include citizens of Nigeria, Mali, Myanmar, Thailand, Tanzania, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Djibouti, UK (OCI card holders), South, Africa, Bangladesh Australia and Nepal.

    All of them are accused that in the early stages of corona virus infection, they gathered crowds illegally, due to which the virus spread rapidly and then people of many states came in the grip of it. In the initial phase, they spread infection in about one third people and 17 states and many people died.

    The lockdown began with the Corona virus infection spreading in the country around 15 March, but despite the imposition of Section 144 in Delhi, thousands of Jamaatis gathered for several days in Tablighi Markaz, Hazrat Nizamuddin.


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