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    COVID-19 India News: Confirmed cases crossed 26000, death toll at 826

    The novel coronavirus is still strengthening its roots in Indian states and union territories. According to the source, with the addition of around 1835 new COVID-19 cases, there are a total of 26,466 confirmed cases in India. Currently, about 19,635 cases are still active, and patients are being treated. 443 patients recovered in the previous 24 hours, and a total of 6,005 patients recovered successfully from this pandemic. With the addition of 44 new fatalities, there are a total of 826 confirmed deaths.

    Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi and Rajasthan are the top Indian states and union territories where the number of confirmed cases are more than 2000. Maharashtra is still the most harshly affected state by COVID-19 and has around 7,628 confirmed cases. Around 811 new cases are recorded in the last 24 hours. With 1076 recovered cases, around 322 fatalities are registered so far in Maharashtra.

    Gujrat is also facing a crisis nowadays due to this pandemic. With the addition of 256 news patients, there are a total of 3071 confirmed cases in Gujrat. 2656 cases are still active, and around 282 recoveries are recorded so far. 133 patients lost their lives due to COVID-19 in Gujrat so far.

    The toll in Delhi crossed 2500, and with the addition of 111 new cases, there are a total of 2625 confirmed patients out of which, 1,702 are active currently. 869 recoveries and around 54 patients died so far.

    Number of confirmed cases in States is given below –

    • Madhya Pradesh – 1945
    • Tamil Nadu – 1821
    • Uttar pradesh – 1793
    • Andhra Pradesh – 1016
    • Telangana – 990
    • West Bengal – 571
    • Karnataka – 500
    • Jammu and Kashmir – 494
    • Kerala – 458
    • Punjab – 308
    • Haryana – 287
    • Bihar – 251
    • Odisha – 100
    • Jharkhand – 67
    • Himachal Pradesh – 40

    Important Updates on Coronavirus India News

    • 7 policemen confirmed corona positive in Kanpur ( U.P )
    • 13 New cases appeared in Kanpur
    • One Journalist found COVID-19 positive
    • PM Modi to share his views through Man ki Baat today 11:00 AM


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