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    Cyclone Amphun is becoming powerful may extremely severe Cyclonic Storm during next 06 hours

    Cyclone Amphun is becoming more powerful over time. At present, Cyclone Amphun has moved northwards at a speed of 9 km / h on Sunday (May 17). Now during the next 06 hours, a cyclonic storm is being expected to take a formidable form.

    According to the information, the cyclonic storm is expected to move rapidly from the north, then north-northeast to the Bay of Bengal. By the afternoon or evening of May 20, it can pass through the coast of Bangladesh between Digha (West Bengal) and Hatia Islands (Bangladesh) as a severe cyclonic storm.

    According to the Meteorological Department, “It is more likely to move slowly northward. After this, it will move rapidly towards north-north Bay of Bengal, decreasing from north-northeast. By the afternoon or evening of May 20, it could explode between Digha (West Bengal) and Hatia Islands (Bangladesh) as a severe storm.

    Also read: Government issued new guidelines regarding the Arogya Setu App

    Due to the cyclonic storm, some areas of Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur, and Kendrapada districts of Odisha are likely to receive heavy rainfall, while other coastal areas may receive light rain on Monday.

    In view of the cyclonic storm, the administration in Odisha has moved people living in the maritime areas to safe places. In Odisha, 11 lakh people have been taken to a safe place. Not only this, the Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) and fire service personnel have been deployed on duty in many districts.

    The Government of Odisha had earlier announced that about seven lakh people in 649 villages along the coastline could be severely affected due to cyclone Amfan. However, CM Naveen Patnaik has appealed to the people not to panic and cooperate with the administration.


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