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    DCM Auraiya full of migrant workers collides with truck, 20 died on the spot

    More than 20 migrant laborers were killed and more than 13 injured in a tragic accident at Auraiya in Uttar Pradesh at 4 am on Saturday morning. The injured have been admitted to the Saifai District Hospital for treatment. Condoling the sad incident, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the district administration to help the injured properly.

    Additional Chief Secretary (Home) of the state Avnish Awasthi said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed grief over the accident in Auraiya. He expressed deep condolences to the families of the deceased workers.

    The incident is on National Highway 19 near Auraiya. At some DCM, some laborers were returning to their homes, when suddenly at 4 am DCM collided with a truck parked on the roadside. Auraiya District Magistrate Abhishek Singh has confirmed the death of 20 people. 15 injured have been admitted to Saifai District Hospital.

    Police and administration are involved in rescue and relief work. Police are identifying the dead bodies. Superintendent of Police Auraiya Suniti Singh said that the seriously injured people can be referred to the Halat Hospital in Kanpur if needed. The death toll is also expected to increase.


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