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    Delhi Unlock 1 Guidelines: What exemption has been given to the people of Delhi, where restrictions have been imposed

    For Unlock-1, Arvind Kejriwal, the head of the ruling Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi, has announced several discounts. Under this, now barber and salon shops will also open in Delhi, which was in demand for a long time. With this, all types of shops will now open normally in Delhi. Earlier they were being opened on an aud-even basis.

    With this, Arvind Kejriwal also said that what has been opened earlier will remain open. Under the central government’s declaration, all will remain in the house from 9 to 5 in the night.

    The state government has the right to open salons and spas, the Delhi government has taken this important decision. It has also been allowed to open salons in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana adjoining Delhi. In such a situation, the government was under pressure.

    The shops will now open till 9 pm. Every shop will open now instead of Aud-Even. Riding on the motorcycle will also be able to meet. The people who used to sit in the car can now sit as many as before. People will be able to sit in a three-wheeler as before. The inevitability of a single ride is over. Religious sites will be opened, but rules will be made before that.

    Spas and gyms will not be able to open. Buses will not run from Delhi to NCR. Only 5 people will be able to attend the wedding. Only 30 people will be allowed at the crematorium during the funeral. Curfew will remain from 9 am to 5 am, during which people are not allowed to leave the houses.


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