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Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.

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    Due to cyclonic storm, Bhubaneswar-New Delhi AC Special train will be operational for 4 days through changed route

    New Delhi. Train number 02823 Bhubaneswar-New Delhi AC Special Train running from Bhubaneswar to New Delhi from May 19 to 22 due to Amfan Cyclone and Train No. 02824 New Delhi-Bhubaneswar running from New Delhi to Bhubaneswar from May 18 to 21 The AC Special Train will be operated on a diverted route. The train will now run via Bhubaneswar-Sambalpur City-Jharsugada-Rourkela-Tata. This train will not run on Bhadrak-Balasore-Hijli route for the next four days.

    East Coast Railway has said that the decision to change the route of the train has been taken for the safety of both passengers and the train from Cyclone Amphon.

    Due to the change of route, the passengers going to Baleshwar, Hijli (Kharagpur) will not get the service of these trains for the next four days.

    East Coast Railway is keeping an eye on cyclone related circumstances. Officials said that she would periodically convey other information related to the cyclone to the passengers from time to time.


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